1 Million Steps Challenge

Wednesday 1st May
You may have heard that The Hub at Whitcliffe Mount Academy have signed up to support Sam Thompson’s 1 Million Steps Challenge in aid of Cash for Kids Day. Students in our Hub have pledged 310,800 steps to support Sam in reaching his goal of 1 million steps.
Our ‘Million Steps Challenge’ will take place on Wednesday 1st May after school in West End Park and we are calling on as many students as possible to support us to achieve or even exceed our pledge. Students taking part are asked to walk 8 laps of Westend Park to help us reach our pledge to Hits radio of 310,800 steps.
If students would like to get involved, they need to head to West End Park directly after school on Wednesday 1st May and get stepping. Whitcliffe Mount staff will marshal the park and the site will be managed with safety as a priority. Students do not need to register to participate but to allow us to ensure we have an appropriate number of staff it would be helpful if those students who will definitely be taking part could register using this link https://forms.office.com/e/WdqRDeCqRN
Donation buckets will be available at the event for anyone who would like to make a cash donation to this worthy cause. Alternatively, donations can be made online using the following link - Whitcliffe Mount Academy | Sam Thompson's 1 Million Steps Schools Challenge | Bauer Media Cash for Kids - Cash for Kids (cashforkidsgive.co.uk)
If you would like to learn more about the Million Steps Challenge or Cash for Kids Day then please follow this link - Sam Thompson's 1 Million Steps Schools Challenge for Cash for Kids Day (planetradio.co.uk)
We have had lots of interest from students and hope to see many of them there to support this great cause.
A big thank you to all who have shared and donated already!