English Revision Materials
Dear Parents/Carers
As you will be aware, your child will soon sit their final GCSE exams in English language and English literature. In order to ensure students attain the best possible results, I am writing to you with some information about how best to access revision for both GCSE English language and GCSE English literature.
As there is no coursework component to either English subject, performance in full exams is a critical skill to ensure students achieve their personal best. As such, students should already have begun their revision for these crucial examinations. That being said, I am acutely aware that students often struggle to understand how to revise purposefully for English exams. To support students with this, the English faculty have created a guide to what will be on the forthcoming exams in both subjects, and how best to revise for each of them. Students will receive a copy of this guide in lesson time this half term. Attached below is a copy for your reference so you can support students with using their revision time most effectively. Please note, the guide makes reference to student support packs – these are bespoke booklets with information and practice questions for each examined modules which students can access via Sharepoint. Copies are attached below for your convenience. The Blood Brothers student support pack is currently undergoing some revisions and will follow shortly.
In addition to the digital revision resources, I would like to draw your attention to the Monday night Achieve intervention sessions offered by the English faculty. These run every Monday from 14.45-15.45 in room 111 and are staffed by English teachers who can support and direct your child with further revision help.
If you have any further queries about the exams in English language and literature, or how best to support your child in preparing for them, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me.
Yours sincerley,
Dan Quirk
Director of Learning - English