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Enterprise and Marketing

The Enterprise and Marketing department is lead and taught by Miss S Bell (Director of learning for Computing and Business).

Enterprise & Marketing Intent

The Enterprise and Marketing Department looks to offer a well-rounded curriculum that provides the best experience for all pupils. Students will study on the OCR Enterprise and Marketing qualification which includes a range of internally and externally assessed units. As part of the curriculum, students are provided with a business that they will create a marketing campaign, marketing pitch and business proposal for. This course provides that basic overall insight into what running a business would be like.

The course consists of:

RO67: Enterprise and marketing concepts

  • Characteristics, risks and reward for enterprise
  • Market research to target a specific customer
  • What makes a product financially viable
  • Creating a marketing mix to support a product
  • Factors to consider when starting up and running an enterprise

RO68: Design a business proposal

  • Market research
  • How to identify a customer profile
  • Develop a product proposal
  • Review whether a business proposal is financially viable
  • Review the likely success of the business proposal

RO69: Market and pitch a business proposal

  • Develop a brand identity to target a specific customer profile
  • Create a promotional campaign for a brand and product
  • Plan and pitch a proposal
  • Review a brand proposal, promotional campaign and professional pitch