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"The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future" 
Theodore Roosevelt

The History department is made up of 5 dedicated and enthusiastic teachers. The Director of Learning leads the subject with invaluable support from the whole team. All teachers in the department follow varied and detailed Curriculum plans which include lessons covering a variety of topics, through varied teaching and learning styles. History continues to be one of the most popular option choices at GCSE.

The History Team (part of the Humanities Faculty) 

  • Miss Newham – Director of Learning for Humanities and History Teacher
  • Miss Mozley – History Teacher
  • Miss Haywood - History Teacher
  • Mr Floyd – History Teacher
  • Mr Loxam – Assistant Head Teacher (Personal Development) and History Teacher

Humanities overview intent 

The study of Humanities subject allows all students, irrespective of background, to be able to take their place in the world with confidence in their ability to make sense of their own place in it. Humanities subjects encourage curiosity, enquiry and fascination with the world whilst also asking students to think critically, engage with the views of others and use evidence to form judgements. Students will understand how physical, religious, social and cultural changes over time have shaped the world and how our society and environment has come to be as it is today. 

History intent 

Students will have a rich and broad knowledge of British, local, and world history allowing them to identify significant events, connections, and trends over one thousand years of history. Subsequently, students will develop a strong sense of period for each stage in human history creating cultural capital and a love of learning. Students of history will be empowered academically and as citizens in modern society. 

Students will learn about Britain’s and the world’s medical, scientific and political advances, injustices, controversies, and conflicts through over two millennia. Pupils will see how our state and society have developed through the violent power struggles for Britain; the succession crisis of 1066, and the subsequent brutal Norman Conquest. The complex relationship between rulers and religion is studied in the controversies surrounding the martyrdom of Thomas Beckett, Britain’s break with Rome, the execution of Charles I, and the Cromwellian age of Parliament. Pupils will come to appreciate the immense societal upheaval caused by the Industrial Revolution of the 1800s, followed by the disastrous political ideologies and catastrophic conflicts which characterised the twentieth century. Along with the history of Britain, pupils will study significant world issues such as the growth of the British Empire, India under the Raj, the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, the rise of the Nazi party in Germany and the Holocaust.  

Pupils will be exposed to a thorough understanding of our world’s institutions, religions, traditions and conflicts, which will allow them to effectively analyse cause and consequence, change and continuity, interpretations, and sources which enables them to be well informed, analytical and positive citizens. Pupils will develop the numeracy and literacy skills which will allow them to place historical events within a secure chronological framework. This will provide pupils from all backgrounds with the skills and understanding to access and excel in future learning and employment. Pupils will also learn how to analyse and evaluate information, how crucial it is to understand the provenance of information, and how it influences the content, a skill which is essential in our modern media rich world. Pupils will see how historians have formed opinions on events and issues through examining a wide range of source materials and interpretations.  

The Curriculum

Key Stage 3

Students in Years 7, 8 & 9 receive four 60 minute lessons per fortnight. Students are taught in mixed ability groups in KS3.  Progress is tracked and monitored by the department to provide additional support and intervention. Students receive a number of assessments throughout a year to track their progress.

Key Stage 4

Students in Years 10 & 11 receive five 60 minute lessons a fortnight. The two year GCSE course is taken with the OCR examination board. Students are taught in mixed ability groups and progress is tracked and monitored by the department to provide additional support and intervention. Students complete a range of both formal and informal assessments in class, as well as mock and real examinations.

Paper 1 - British History (The People's Health, c. 1250 to present + The Elizabethans, 1580-1603)

Paper 2 - History Around Us (Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal)

Paper 3 - World History (The Making of America, 1789-1900 + Living under Nazi Rule, 1933-1945)

Afterschool Clubs & Revision and Support 

KS4 Achieve Sessions — Every Monday in Room 102 from 3.10pm-4.10pm. 

Achieve is run by our subject specialist teaching staff. These sessions provide an excellent opportunity for students to revisit prior lessons, get support with homework or exam questions and ask about any part of the curriculum that they are finding challenging. This study session is open to both Year 10 and Year 11 students. 

KS3 Documentary and Discussion - Every Wednesday in Room 101 from 3.10-4.10 pm.

This afterschool club is available to all of KS3. Documentary and Discussion is a chance for students to broaden their knowledge of topics within Geography, RS, History and the wider world. The documentary will change weekly and will focus on expanding subject knowledge outside of what is taught in lessons. 


KS4 Key Word Glossaries

Our KS4 students can use these glossaries to learn the key words and events prior to classroom lessons and for revision. This will give our students a head start in learning key terminology and events to improve their exam technique.

The People's Health

The Elizabethans

Making of America

Living Under Nazi Rule

Site Study - Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal Key Words

Site Study - Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal Booklet

Revision Guide

The revision guide for OCR GCSE History can be purchased online for £9.99.

My revision notes: OCR GCSE (9-1) History B Schools History Project 

My Revision Notes: OCR GCSE (9-1) History B: Schools History Project


A variety of field trips take place that are linked to the curriculum and are designed to enhance students' learning.

  • Year 7 - Bolton Abbey History Around Us site study
  • Year 10 – Fountains Abbey History Around Us site study
  • Year 11 – Krakow Poland. This is an optional trip with limited places and is linked with our Living Under Nazi Rule GCSE topic.

Please click the links below to view our curriculum plans.