Mental Health, Wellbeing & Pastoral Care
What support is available for my child’s overall wellbeing?
Each year group has a Student Support Lead. Students also have a form tutor with whom they meet on a daily basis. Key workers are allocated to those students identified as requiring additional support. Students meet regularly with their key worker to discuss any issues and to ensure they succeed and make progress. Our Safeguarding who is also one of our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) in school, coordinates support for the emotional wellbeing of vulnerable young people across all year groups, and is responsible for all aspects of safeguarding within school.
If you have any concerns about the emotional wellbeing of your son / daughter please contact our Wellbeing Manager, Mrs L Humphrey, who will discuss the most appropriate way to access support.
Who should I talk to in school if I have Safeguarding concerns? click here to see
Student Absence
If you require support with student absence, please see Student Absence - Supportive Information for Parents (Whitcliffe Mount Academy)
Commissioned Services
In addition to our Safeguarding and Pastoral teams, we also buy in specialist services to support students who have additional emotional wellbeing support needs.
School Nurses: We have two school nurses, Mags Bostock & Steph Scargill, who come into school every Wednesday to offer three levels of support:
Intervention sessions - specific interventions to support students to improve their self-esteem / confidence and to manage their emotions effectively. Students are referred to these interventions by Mrs K Starkey where an additional need has been identified.
Lunchtime Nurse Drop In sessions - This is a confidential, self-referral service available to any student on a Wednesday lunchtime.
One to one appointments - individual appointments with a nurse as a follow up to students attending Drop In or following referral by Mrs K Starkey. Appointments are sent out to students each week via Form Tutors.
Mindfulness sessions are offered by the school nurses on a referral basis and work with small groups of students to promote self-regulation strategies and increase student's awareness of their emotions.
Life Coaches: We currently commission a Life Coach, Theresa Booth, 3 days a week. Referrals are made by Mrs K Starkey for students who don't require therapeutic counselling support but who would benefit from support to identify current issues, develop targets and an action plan to make relevant changes.
CHEWs Counsellor: Karen Butcher comes into school every Thursday to work with students who have been referred for higher level counselling support. Referrals are made by Mrs K Starkey following consultation and consent being gained from parents.
Mrs K Starkey also works very closely with the SEND dept and Pastoral team to identify vulnerable students and provide additional support specifically addressing emotional wellbeing concerns. Further details of other interventions are available on our SEND page.
How can parents support the emotional wellbeing of their son/daughter?
Pre-teen and teenage years can be stressful for both young people and their parents/carers. There are many changes during this time including hormones, physical appearance and social relationships. As a parent you can support your son/daughter in various ways.
It can be hard to know whether a teenager's feelings and behaviour are normal or becoming a problem. Anna Freud Centre's child mental health experts have written a leaflet to provide simple advice and guidance to parents and carers about how to make conversations about their child's feelings part of everyday life.
Download "Talking Mental Health with young people at secondary school: some advice for parents and carers" booklet here
Parent Guidance - alcohol support - click here
Life is full of stressful situations and will have many high & low points. We all cope in different ways and with varying degrees of success. By helping your son/daughter to become more resilient you will help them cope more effectively and to recover from difficulties successfully. As parents, we are often tempted to wrap our children in cotton wool, protecting them from all the bad things in the world, but this may actually cause problems as the child doesn't develop independent coping strategies. 10 simple things you can do to improve you son/daughter's resilience are:
Self Help
In addition to online support there are many books which can help teenagers work through life's big challenges and the power of reading is well known. Books can help people understand and manage their health and wellbeing using self-help reading. You may also like to refer to and use the following: The Circle of Control Workbook
'Reading Well Books on Prescription' recommendations for young people's mental health can be found here.
Alternatively our school library stocks many of these titles and more. Our Learning Resource Centre Manager, Mrs Raby will support young people to find an appropriate book for their specific need as well as signposting them towards appropriate additional support.
Online support
Click on the links below to visit websites containing help and advice for emotional wellbeing / mental health issue:
Online workshops for parents/carers - Summer 2024
Luke's Lads | TCD Charity (
Winston's Wish - giving hope to grieving children (
Click here for information regarding services available to parents from Kirklees.
Click here for general resources relating to emotional and mental wellbeing.
There are also various apps available to provided guided meditation and mindfulness which help students to manage their emotional wellbeing more effectively:
- Headspace
- MoodGYM
- Mindful Gnats
- MindShift
These are just some examples additional apps can be found here: also has links to apps to help young people deal with bereavement.
Northorpe Hall Workshops
Northorpe Hall (CHEWs) have set up a series of workshops for young people and parents to provide greater understanding of and strategies to support emotional wellbeing in children & young people.
Workshops for Children and Young People and their Parents/Carers: These workshops will be fun, informal and practical sessions, delivered by friendly and knowledgeable staff. These sessions will take place at Northorpe Hall, Mirfield and at the Northorpe Centre in central Huddersfield.
For Children & Young People: These Workshops will provide information around anxiety; helping us to identify triggers, physical symptoms and how anxiety can impact our day to day life. We will explore useful coping strategies, support networks and information on accessing further support.
Please contact Northorpe Hall directly on 01924 492183 for further information, availability or to book a place.
If your son/daughter expresses a suicidal plan or attempts to take their life in any way, please take them to A&E immediately so that they can undergo an emergency specialist assessment by the CAMHS Crisis Team.
YoungMinds Crisis Messenger
The YoungMinds crisis messenger service provides free, 24/7 crisis support across the UK. Young People experiencing a mental health crisis and need support, can text YM to 85258.
For more information
Shout Textline | Free 24/7 Mental Health Support Via Text | YoungMinds