Performing Arts, Music and Drama
Performing Arts lessons aim to develop students’ knowledge and understanding of skills and techniques, enthuse them about live performance and develop their cultural capital. Most importantly however, Performing Arts equips students with the life skills they will need to achieve their potential beyond the classroom; skills which will assist them in every aspect of their lives, from building confidence and the ability to work with others to creative problem solving and working under pressure.
At KS3 students will study two hours a week of Music in years 7, 8 and 9 and two hours a week of Drama in years 8 and 9.
At KS4 students have a range of pathways to choose from including:
- Performing Arts - Acting
- Performing Arts - Musical Theatre
- Music
- Audio Production
Performing Arts is taught by a team of four specialist teachers and a dedicated Faculty Educational Teaching Assistant. The department has its own suite of teaching, rehearsal and practice rooms.
KS3 Drama
Through our challenging and engaging curriculum, students should develop a critical understanding of drama, allowing them to create interesting pieces of theatre, become engaging performers and reflective responders. These elements link into the three areas of assessment and the assessment structure used at KS4 – Creating, Performing and Responding, Explore, Develop, Apply. Our aim is to provide students with the means to:
- Create imaginative pieces of theatre using a range of drama skills and techniques from a range of practitioners and playwright
- Perform confidently, making full use of their physicality and vocality
- Confidently analyse performances and works using the appropriate drama terminology
KS3 Music
The music curriculum has been created to provide students with a range of musical experiences that they may not otherwise be able to access in their lives outside formal education. By studying music in school, students are provided with a safe environment to explore their creativity and emotional freedom, to cultivate new skills and to understand how musical experiences can benefit them personally, this includes developing teamwork and communication skills, developing their self-esteem and confidence, learning to persevere and developing resilience. Our aim is to provide students with the means to:
- Listen to a range of music and critically analyse musical choices using appropriate musical terminology
- Perform confidently their own and music composed by others
- Compose music in a wide range of styles
Click here to view our curriculum plans
Students in Years 10 and 11 receive six high quality, intense 60 minute lessons a fortnight. The two year BTEC courses are taken with the Edexcel examination board. Students are taught in mixed groups and progress is tracked and monitored by the department to provide additional support and intervention. Students complete a range of both formal and informal practical assessments in class, as well as written coursework. Learning how to self and peer assess professional and amateur works is vital, and strict deadlines must be met. Students are expected to perform work to audiences both large and small in number throughout the two year course.
BTEC Technical Award in Performing Arts Specification
BTEC First Award in Music Specification
Please click the links below to view our curriculum plans