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Uniform & Equipment

The school uniform was designed with the help of our students. It encourages students to look smart and feel part of the Whitcliffe Mount community. The uniform provides an element of choice. Students wear their uniforms to and from school and show that they are proud to be ambassadors of the school.

All items of school uniform and P.E. kit can be obtained from our local suppliers:

Rawcliffes - 18A Crackenedge Lane, Dewsbury WF13 1PT

01924 465510 

Smart Uniforms, 1-3 Cheapside, Batley WF17 5ND

01924 442294 / Whitcliffe Mount – Smart Uniforms

Whitcliffe Mount Uniform and Equipment Brochure:

All students:

Item of clothing 

2023/24 and beyond policy 


Black blazer 

WMA ‘new logo’ blazer

Uniform supplier 

White school shirt 

Plain white school shirt 


School tie 

WMA school tie - September 2024 

(colour linked to year group) 

7 – Yellow

8 – White

9 – Green

10 – Blue

11 – Purple

Uniform supplier 

Black school skirt 

Tailored black school skirt
(straight or pleated

This must not be a tube-style skirt, or jersey material (stretchy material)


Black school trousers 

Tailored black school trousers 


Black school tights or socks 

Black school tights or socks 


Black school shoes 

Black school shoes 


Black V-neck school jumper (optional) 

Black V-neck school jumper with WMA logo

Uniform supplier 


  • When travelling to and from school, normal Whitcliffe Mount Academy uniform must be worn
  • Blazers must be worn at all times around the Academy but may be removed in lessons if permission is granted by the teacher
  • The blazer is obligatory, the jumper is optional. Jumpers are only required in cooler weather and are worn under the blazer. In warm weather the jumper should be removed, not the blazer. No other jumper or cardigan is acceptable


  • School bags must be of a minimum size to hold an A4 folder. An additional lightweight bag will be needed to hold PE kit and outdoor coats
  • Footwear must be plain black, leather, sensible shoes - shoes with logos or sports labels/badges are not acceptable; (such as converse/vans/gazelles, etc)
  • Socks must be plain and dark in colour. Feet must be covered
  • Make-up must be discrete. Nail varnish must be discrete. Fingernails must be short and safe
  • Hair must be natural in colour and style
  • Jewellery is restricted to one small stud per ear and a watch (ear studs need to be removed for PE lessons). Other piercings are considered unsafe and are not acceptable. These items will be confiscated if seen and students will be sanctioned in line with policy.

PE Kit

Arrival and dismissal for PE is from the Vibe. Students will always enter and leave the Vibe via the rear entrance (opposite the Redgra). 

For new Year 7s, they must completely comply with the PE kit below. 

The PE Kit policy is below:    

Item of clothing 

2023/24 and beyond policy 


WMA PE top 

Navy round neck sports top (short sleeved) with WMA logo. 

Uniform supplier 

WMA PE ½ zip training top (optional) 

¼ zip training top (long sleeved) with WMA logo 

Uniform supplier 

WMA PE sports rain jacket (optional) 

Navy sports rain jacket with WMA logo 

Uniform supplier 

Tracksuit bottoms 

Plain navy slim leg tracksuit bottoms (no logo) 

Uniform supplier 


Plain navy leggings (no logo) 

Any/Uniform supplier 


Plain navy shorts (no logo) 

Any/Uniform supplier 

Sports socks 

Plain navy football socks  

Any/Uniform supplier 

Sports trainers 

Sports trainers 


Studded Boots

Studded boots suitable for Rugby / Football


Students unable to participate through injury:

  • Students who have a medical reason for non-participation are required to bring a note in their planner excusing them from performing. For longer term non-participation, a medical note from the doctor is required.
  • Students excused from performing are still required to bring their kit, get changed and take a less active role in the lesson (inside and/or outside). For example, by refereeing, coaching judging, analysing, timekeeping and helping to organise equipment.

Extreme weather

  • PE lessons take place outside when the weather is poor, or when exams take place. Pupils know this and must be prepared to get wet.
  • In extreme circumstances, a wet weather procedure will be implemented and lessons will take place indoors where possible.
  • Staff will use their professional judgement to determine whether outside facilities are appropriate and safe for participation and learning.


  • We recommend that pupils do not bring items of value into school, however we appreciate that some pupils may have a mobile phone, bus pass, house keys, watch and wallet/purse with them in school.
  • Whilst the changing rooms remain locked during lessons, PE Staff will give pupils the opportunity to hand in valuable items as an additional level of security at the start of the lesson. If valuable items are not handed in, we cannot accept responsibility should any issue arise.

Health, Safety and Personal Hygiene

  • All jewellery must be removed and hair tied back prior to participation in lessons. The school behaviour policy will be followed as this is a power of three expectation.
  • There is the provision for pupils to shower after lessons. We recommend this, particularly after lessons where pupils get dirty and/or wet. Pupils must bring their own towels.
  • Pupils are encouraged to re-hydrate after participating in strenuous exercise.
  • Pupils should be thoughtful of others and keep the use of aerosol anti-perspirants to a minimum.

Extra-Curricular Activities

An extra-curricular timetable can be found on our website. This informs you of when and where activities take place. For clubs and weekly practices, the ‘permission slip’ will need to be returned before your son/daughter can attend. This will only have to be completed once and will give permission for your son/daughter to attend throughout the year. This applies to pupils in years 7,8 and 9 only. Pupils in years 10 and 11 are expected to inform their parents/carers of their attendance. Pupils do not have to wear school PE kit for after-school activities, but what they wear must be recognised sports clothing/footwear.

For fixtures against other schools, pupils need to check to team sheet on the relevant noticeboard to see if they have been selected. All information regarding the fixture will then be found on the school website. On the rare occasions when clubs/practices or fixtures are cancelled, we will contact you text message.


Each student should have the following equipment;

  • School bag (minimum size to hold an A4 folder
  • Planner (first provided by school)
  • Pencil case
  • 2x black pens
  • 2 x green pens
  • HB pencils
  • Glue stick
  • Ruler
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Highlighters
  • Scientific calculator
  • Exercise books 

Useful to have but not essential;

  • Pocket dictionary 
  • Bi-Lingual dictionary 
